Intuitive Eating allows you to develop the skills needed to have a comfortable & sustainable relationship with food & yourself; one that allows YOU to take the lead in determining your own food choices, identifying your hunger/fullness cues, developing mindfulness skills to hone in on your thoughts & feelings, finding compassion towards yourself, & identifying the benefits of movement that’s not tied to weight loss.
Click HERE to watch an interview on Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating is not a diet
If diets truly worked, they would be a one and done type deal.
Research indicates that many people who go on diets end up gaining more weight than before they dieted. For many, the diet cycle just goes on and on. The “next” one will work…but does it ever really?
Intuitive Eating is sustainable & flexible!
Intuitive Eating helps you break up with dieting & regain your ability to trust yourself.
Benefits of Intuitive Eating
Over 125 studies have been done on Intuitive Eating. Below are shared characteristics of Intuitive Eaters:
Higher self-esteem
Higher pro-active coping skills-the ability to act vs react!
Lower loss-of-control eating
Higher levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
Higher pleasure from eating
Lower emotional eating
Lower triglycerides & blood pressure
Higher levels of well-being, optimism, & life satisfaction
Lower body dissatisfaction
Higher variety of foods eaten
Intuitive Eating is based on 10 principles that help you find a comfortable relationship with food. These principles are flexible & not hard steady rules to follow, because perfection isn’t sustainable or achievable!
Reject The Diet Mentality
Honor Your Hunger
Make Peace With Food
Challenge The Food Police
Discover The Satisfaction Factor
Feel Your Fullness
Cope With Your Emotions With Kindness
Respect Your Body
Movement-Feel The Difference
Honor Your Health-Gentle Nutrition